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Rachel Organa

Hi I’m Rachel Organa!

I’m well-known for my tattoos, bikinis, piercings, changing hair colours, and cheeky social media posts. If you take a look through my photos, you’ll find me pulling silly faces, and if you look closely, you might just spot my tongue piercing! I love interacting with my friends, fans, and followers on Insta and Twitter. A lover of all things geeky, you can often find me wearing something from one of my favorite fandoms: Harry Potter or Star Wars.

Be sure to check out all of picsets and videos I’m in here on; there is a list posted at the bottom of this page. And before you ask… Yes, There’s always more content with Kim and me on the way!


Featured Scenes & Picsets

Nerf Gun Babes – Video

Spellbound Bodies – Picset


Performer Interview

Learn more about Rachel Organa.

Q: How did you and Kim first meet each other?
A: Kim and I first met online via a bikini community website. We were also following each other on Tumblr and Twitter. When we decided to meet up in person, we did it on a beach in our bikinis. You can actually check out photos from the first time we met! The full photo gallery is called Meeting Sparkie Gal.

Q: You have gone through a new name changes over the years, what other names would your fans recognise you by?
A: I’ve gone by Blossom, Sparkie Gal, and now Rachel Organa. My tumblr was the Salmon Mousse! My most recent change to ‘Rachel Organa’ was because I wanted to reflect my love of Star Wars <3

Q: That brings me to the next question on my list, your star wars tattoos. I just love your thigh piece featuring Leia with her R2-D2 umbrella, the Millennium Falcon, and BB-8! Are you planning on adding any more to the piece?
A: Always!


Watch Rachel’s Trailers


Rachel Organa's Scenes